Custom Components

Timemory supports user-specifed components. A custom component can utilize the static polymorphic base class tim::component::base to inherit many features but ultimately, the goal is to not require a specific base class. The tim::component::base class provides the integration into the API and requires two template parameters:

  1. component type (i.e. itself)

  2. the data type being stored

// generic static polymorphic base class
template <typename _Tp, typename value_type>
struct base;

// create cpu_clock component and use int64_t as data type
struct cpu_clock
: public base<cpu_clock, int64_t>
    // ...

// create cpu_util component and specify data type as pair of 64-bit integers
struct cpu_util
: public base<cpu_util, std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>>
    // ...

// create papi_tuple component and specify data type as an array of long long types
template <int... Events>
struct papi_tuple
: public base<papi_tuple<Events...>,                    // self type
              std::array<long long, sizeof...(Events)>> // data type
    // ...

Type Traits

Type traits are provided to customize how operations on the data type are handled. For example, adding two wall_clock components together is a simple a += b operation but adding two peak_rss components is better defined as a max operation: a = max(a, b) since += a “peak” memory value could return a result larger than the total amount of memory on the system. Additionally, certain components are not available on certain systems, e.g. components that provide data via the POSIX rusage struct on Windows. The most update-to-date list of type-traits can be found in timemory/mpl/types.hpp in the trait namespace. A subset of the available type-traits is provided below.

Namespace: tim::trait

Type Trait Description Default Setting
is_available Specify the availablity of the component's implementation std::true_type
record_max Specify that addition operations should use comparisions std::false_type
custom_label_printing Specify the component provides its own labeling for output (typically multiple labels) std::false_type
custom_unit_printing Specify the component provides its own units for output (typically multiple units) std::false_type
custom_laps_printing Specify the component provides its own "lap" printing for output std::false_type
is_timing_category Designates the width and precision should apply environment-specified timing settings std::false_type
is_memory_category Designates the width and precision should apply environment-specified memory settings std::false_type
uses_timing_units Designates the width and precision should apply environment-specified timing units std::false_type
uses_memory_units Designates the width and precision should apply environment-specified memory units std::false_type
requires_json Specify the component should always output the JSON file format std::false_type
start_priority Specify the component should be started before non-prioritized components std::false_type
stop_priority Specify the component should be stopped before non-prioritized components std::false_type

Type Traits Example

template <typename _Tp> struct is_available : std::true_type { };

// on Windows, stack_rss is not available because stack_rss requires POSIX rusage struct
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
// using macro to specialize type-trait
TIMEMORY_DEFINE_CONCRETE_TRAIT(is_available, component::stack_rss, false_type)
// explicit specialization of type-trait without macro
namespace tim
namespace trait

template <>
struct is_available<component::stack_rss> : std::false_type

}  // namespace trait
}  // namespace tim

The is_available Trait

tim::trait::is_available is a very important type-trait. Marking a component as not available results in this type being filtered out of the variadic wrapper classes auto_tuple, auto_list, component_tuple, and component_list. This means that with the above example, on Windows, the example_real_stack_type type below will implement the same behavor as the example_real_type type:

using example_real_type       = tim::auto_tuple< wall_clock >;
using example_real_stack_type = tim::auto_tuple< wall_clock, stack_rss >;
// On Windows, example_real_stack_type type will filter out stack_rss at compile time
// and will produce the exact same result and performance as example_real_type

In addition to a performance benefit (no operations on a component that does not provide anything) and a much cleaner code base (significant reduction of #ifdef blocks), this can be used to enable “add-on” features for performance analysis that won’t be included in production code, e.g. including cpu_roofline_dp_flops in a specification but not enabling the PAPI backend in a production code.

Custom Component Example

Timemory uses SFINAE (substitution-failure-is-not-an-error) to query for the presence of member functions at compile-time. Adding new capabilities to a component is commonly as simple as just providing the member function for the capability. For example, if a component needs a string to forward on to another tool, the component can just add a void set_prefix(const char* str) and this member function will be detected by operation::set_prefix<T> (invoked by the variadic bundler). If this member function does not exist, then operation::set_prefix<T> will be a no-op for all instances of component T.

Field Required Type Description
value_type Yes Alias/typedef Data type used for storage
base_type No Alias/typedef Base class directly inheriting from
precision No Constant integer Default output precision
width No Constant integer Default output width
format_flags No std::ios_base::fmtflags Bitset of formatting flags
unit() No numerical value Units of data type
label() No string Short-hand description without spaces
description() No string Full description of component
display_unit() No string String representation of unit()
get() const No const member function Returns the current measurement
get_display() const No const member function Returns the current measurement in format desired for reporting
start() No member function Defines operation when component recording is started
stop() No member function Defines operation when component recording is stopped
set_prefix(T) No member function Sets label before start() is called. T can be std::string, const char*, or size_t
struct wall_clock : public base<wall_clock, int64_t>
    // alias to the type of data being recorded is stored
    using value_type = int64_t;

    // alias to base type that implements a lot of the functionality
    using base_type  = base<wall_clock, value_type>;

    // this is specific to this particular component
    using ratio_t    = std::nano;

    // these are formatting guidelines
    static const short                   precision = 3;
    static const short                   width     = 6;
    static const std::ios_base::fmtflags format_flags =
        std::ios_base::fixed | std::ios_base::dec;

    // these handle units conversions and descriptions
    static int64_t     unit() { return units::sec; }
    static std::string label() { return "real"; }
    static std::string description() { return "wall time"; }
    static std::string display_unit() { return "sec"; }

    // this defines how to record a value for the component
    static value_type  record()
        return tim::get_clock_real_now<int64_t, ratio_t>();

    // this defines how to get the relevant data from the component and can
    // return any type
    float get() const
        auto val = (is_transient) ? accum : value;
        return static_cast<double>(val / static_cast<double>(ratio_t::den) *

    // this defines how the value is represented in '<<' and can return any type
    float get_display()() const
        return this->get();

    // this defines what happens when the components is started
    void start()
        value = record();

    // this defines what happens when the components is stopped
    void stop()
        value = (record() - value);
        accum += value;