
template<typename ...Types>
class auto_bundle

This is a variadic component wrapper which combines the features of tim::auto_tuple<T…> and tim::auto_list<U..>. The “T” types (compile-time fixed, allocated on stack) should be specified as usual, the “U” types (runtime-time optional, allocated on the heap) should be specified as a pointer. Initialization of the optional types is similar to tim::auto_list<U…> but no environment variable is built-in since, ideally, this environment variable should be customized based on the Tag template parameter.

// dummy type identifying the context
struct FooApi {};

using bundle_t = tim::auto_bundle<FooApi, wall_clock, cpu_clock*>;

void foo_init() // user initialization routine
    bundle_t::get_initializer() = [](bundle_t& b)
        static auto env_enum = tim::enumerate_components(
            tim::delimit(tim::get_env<string_t>("FOO_COMPONENTS", "wall_clock")));

        :im::initialize(b, env_enum);
void bar()
    // will record whichever components are specified by "FOO_COMPONENT" in
    // environment, which "wall_clock" as the default

    auto bar = bundle_t("foo");
    // ...

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    tim::timemory_init(argc, argv);



tparam Tag

unique identifying type for the bundle which when tim::trait::is_available<Tag> is false at compile-time or tim::trait::runtime_enabled<Tag>() is false at runtime, then none of the components will be collected

tparam Types

Specification of the component types to bundle together

The above code will record wall-clock, cpu-clock, and peak-rss. The intermediate storage will happen on the stack and when the destructor is called, it will add itself to the call-graph

template<typename Tag, typename ...Types>
class auto_bundle<Tag, Types...> : public tim::auto_base_bundle<Tag, component_bundle<Tag>, auto_bundle<Tag, Types...>>, public tim::concepts::mixed_wrapper